Re-designing instruction on the iPad with UDL & That data presentation (again :)

“Unprecedented times”. This is a phrase that we are tired of reading, as educators and special educators.

There is a silver lining though.

With so much instruction occurring digitally in this past year, now is a time to reflect on the lessons of the last year–when you get a break and a moment to think, of course :).

Now is a time to think about how we can re-design instruction for our students on iPads. Now is also a time to think about leveraging expressive and receptive data on our students, so that we can better differentiate  based on a student’s learning profile.


Below are links to three sessions that I did recently with Infinitec (Illinois). The Illinois State Board of Education has funded a regional A.T. Practitioner’s conference for three consecutive years now. Thanks to both partners!

I tried to boil each session down to its essence, so that you did not have to hear me say “um” 20 times :). I also included exemplars that were discussed in the third session.

At ISET, we think there is fodder for discussion and collaboration. Feel free to share these links, and to discuss them with other educators and interventionists. In fact, feel free to reach out, if you would like ISET to facilitate sessions with special education administrators, teacher preparation programs, and continuing education programs.

Let’s do this.

UDL Features of the iPad

A Review of Grade Level Output Data

Harnessing iOS and Apple Creativity/Productivity Apps to Improve Accessibility

Randy Wooten, M.S. Ed., M.A. Ed. Admin.
Assistive Technologist
(630) 310-1571
Innovations in Special Education Technology,
division of Council for Exceptional Children