Resources for Research in Innovations

Ed Week’s Technology Count

Ed Week’s Technology Count cover

Ed Week offers an Annual Report on technology in K-12 education.  Each year focuses on a variety of issues trying to bring technology in education to the forefront. The 2019 report examines data collected from over 700 teachers on their perception on innovations and these technology solutions impact on the educational setting. The report offers a spotlight on what is occuring in our classrooms related to innovations and their impact on our students. For educators working with struggling learners and their peers with disabilities, these annual reports give an insight into technology issues in our preK-12 schools.

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Keeping Pace Report

Keeping Pace Report cover: Snapshot 2019

Keeping Pace has been scanning the country to provide educators an understanding of what is occurring in the world of personalized, blended, online or what has been increasingly called digital learning. With digital learning impacting all students, this report offers a good understanding of access, grow in the use of digital tools, and the issues digital learning brings to the table for ALL learners. Check out the state by state analysis to see the level of technology integration happening across the country.

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Educational Technology and Personalized Learning

Report Cover: How Does Personalized Learning Affect Student Achievement?

This is a report that the Rand Corporation produced on the impact of personalized learning. Interesting report and one that is critical for our understanding on the strengths but also some of the challenges, as it aligns with struggling learners.  Take a particular look at the various ways personalized learning is being defined and implemented.

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Personalized Learning and Students with Disabilities

Personalized learning chart

The National Center on Learning Disabilities has been at the forefront of research on personalized learning for students with disabilities.  Their resources offer a snapshot into what is occuring, the issues relevant to those with disabilities, and so much more. This website offers links to formal reports but also so much more.

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