Go Talk Now App

Muharib, R., Correa, V. I., Wood, C. L., & Haughney, K. L. (2019). Effects of Functional Communication Training Using GoTalk Now iPad Application on Challenging Behavior of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Special Education Technology, 34(2), 71–79. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162643418783479.

Who: Correa and colleagues investigated the effects of a functional communication training intervention on the challenging behaviors of two children with autism spectrum disorder. Children who had a history of challenging behavior were taught to request preferred stimuli through the GoTalk Now application. Researchers used a reversal design to demonstrate a functional relation between functional communication training.

What: Go Talk Now, by Attainment, is an app available only on iOs devices. Go Talk Now combines the effectiveness of an AAC devices with the dynamic features of an iPad to deliver a 21st century AAC device. Go Talk Now offers a variety of fully customizable pages, a text-to-speech option, a full gallery, and a cloud option to save templates.

Why: iPads and other iOs devices are available to many school districts. While not a large research base, many studies suggest promising results of the effects of Functional Communication Training using iPads as an AAC device. Correa and colleagues added to the promising literature by finding a functional relationship for the students with ASD.

Go Talk Now Lite-$free (Limited to 5 communication pages)
Go Talk Now-$79.99 (Attainment also offers bulk purchasing for schools)

Resources: This link will help you set up the Go Talk Now App: